The Being Lamp.. being smart and efficient!

Move over hi end switches and remote controls because gestural commands are here. Designs are getting more and more user friendly and the latest addition to this set is the lamp designed at Zhejiang University, which has also won the coveted red dot award. The enterprising team that engineered this lamp consists of Cai Jianxing, Shuai Yingbin, Chen Chao, Wei Chengyuan, Tao Ye, Wang Qi and Prof. Ying Fangtian.


You won’t have to operate a switch or rotate a regulator to turn on this lamp. The illumination from the piece can actually be controlled by hand gestures and the process to do this is really easy. Just place your hand on top of the lamp and it will light up. It will shine brightly retaining this glow even when the hand is moved away.


Now, if you wish to tweak its illumination, you have to rest your hand over the lamp again. Just raise your hand higher when you place it over the lamp for the second time and its illumination will dim out. The gleam keeps diffusing as you lift your hand higher up until it fades out completely. Thus, the intensity of light the lamp oozes out can be altered.

Another great feature of the lamp is that it can easily adapt to its surroundings by growing bigger in size or shrinking down. The folds on its surface can contract and also expand, thus its size can easily be altered. To change the size, just place your hand on top of the lamp and lift it higher. The girth of the lamp will shrink and it will acquire a slimmer outline. So, along with the size, the shape of the lamp will also undergo a change.

Source: cccwk

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