A Path in the Forest: An installation that lets people walk through branches of trees


Have you ever dreamt of walking in the wilderness, while romancing with the tall trees and holding on to the branches fixed with beautifully shaped leaves? If yes, then A Path in the Forest will definitely leave you impressed and wheezing. It is an installation consisting of elevated paths that will run through a forest. The installation is a brainchild of Structural engineers Mutsuro Sasaki, Yoshiyuki Hiraiwa from SAPS or Sasaki and Partners.

The capital of Estonia, Tallin, boasts of a forest area known as Kadriorg, which is located in the heart of the city. Trees have covered that area from the past three centuries and the place was specially created for the Czar of Russia. The forest has a lot of trees and the installation will let people walk on elevated path rather that making way on the ground.

The elevated path will measure 95 meters long and will be crafted using 139 mm steel pipes and sheet steel. These will be 5mm thick and will lean on the trees in a random manner. The entire path will be made without using a single column, which is quite striking. The path will run between the branches and let people create a bond with green life like never before. The walk on this amazing path will be very different from walking on the ground. It will make sure that people don’t have to look up at the trees to savor their beauty as people will be walking through them.

A Path in the Forest truly complements the forest scene. It will unfurl an even beautiful environment, which is not possible otherwise. The structure will let you walking through the woods while keeping the natural beauty of the area intact.

Via: Tetsuokondo/Treehugger

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