Treadmill is a great way to lose those extra pounds in a slow and steady manner. If you are thinking about buying a treadmill for your home gym to get back in shape, consider ditching the standard ones and opt for one of these cool treadmill designs.
The Wall Climbing Treadmill
Forget walking on a treadmill. Instead, think about climbing on one. The Wall Climbing Treadmill, aka Treadwall, is a vertical treadmill that lets you climb a 4-foot wide wall that just keeps coming and coming as you climb it. The machine offers climbing angles ranging from +5 to -20 degrees, thus making it the perfect choice of both beginners and experts.
The Pool Treadmill
If you have a pool in your home, consider attaching a treadmill to it and creating an awesome pool treadmill. When fitted, the portable swim current generator would produce about 80 ft.lbs of thrust at a maximum speed of 6 MPH. It would typically be like swimming in the ocean against a natural current. However, in this case, you would be within the safety of your pool and can easily move away from it when you have had enough. You can power the Pool Treadmill’s propeller with rechargeable 12-volt batteries, while you can choose from different current speeds for your workout.
The Underwater Treadmill
If you have ever run on the beach, you might well understand the complexities of running in waist deep water. The Underwater Treadmill aims to use this principle to offer a hydro training workout that would improve body strength and muscular endurance. You would need to submerge in waist deep water and run on the treadmill. This way, you can gain more with the same level of exercise while facing less strain on your joints as well as less stress on your body.
The Rolling Treadmill
How do you go about putting a treadmill to good use apart from just exercising? The guys at OOOMS, a Dutch design firm, have the perfect idea. The Speedy Rollator is basically a treadmill on wheels which uses a special gear based drive system to let you move swiftly, as you walk on it. Though it may not look like Segway, it sure serves its purpose of transporting you from one place to another in a very short span of time.
Nowadays, treadmills are an integral part of modern homes. Here are some of the unusual treadmills we have come across so far. Why don’t you try them for a change and see whether they make any difference to your weight loss and strength building goals.