Elliot gives an artistic lease of life to plastic Coke crates

Coca Cola is one of the favorite beverages and has managed to pamper our taste buds for years at a stretch. The fizzy cola comes packed in a curvy bottle, which is further distributed to various places in red colored plastic crates. Each year thousands of these crates are discarded, which definitely add to the ever increasing pile at the dump yards. Porky Hefer is spreading a strong message of recycling in his attention grabbing design named Elliot for the Coca Cola recycling campaign.

Coca cola giant statue

The designer has erected a giant structure at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town, which has been given the form of a sitting man. The stupendous structure will leave onlookers in a state of complete amazement when they stare it. The towering crate man is a whooping 60 feet tall and weighs a good 27 tons. Now, this is really massive! The design is a part of PETCO, which is a recycling program, kicked by the beverage brand Coca Cola.

The company doesn’t shrug away from responsibilities for the environment. This is evident from the fact that it has made sure many more structures like this will be seen throughout South Africa. Elliot has been made from a good 4200 plastic crates and sends a clear message of recycling and the dire need to adopt it in today’s polluted world. Once someone stands in front of the red structure made by recycling crates, they will be inspired to give thrown away stuff a new lease of life.

Via: Inhabitat

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