Swiss Protection Socks are the best alternative for those who prefer the freedom of bare feet but cannot do as they please due to the risk of injury. However, the product released by Swiss Barefoot is durable, strong and provides protection. According to the manufacture, the socks have been specially designed to enable the person to walk without the need for shoes and are given certain features for safety.
The socks fit easily over your feet and hug every contour so you get the feeling of being barefooted. The socks share a similarity to shoes with respect to the thickness of the underside. Other than that there are no soles or any other parts from a normal shoe.
The reason given for the socks’ toughness is the combination of 50 percent Kevlar (a material found in bulletproof jackets), 32 percent polyester, 10 percent cotton and 8 percent spandex. Furthermore, the soles are given a layer of PVC that makes them cut resistant. You can walk over ragged surfaces without worrying about a tear in your socks.
The usefulness of the product can be applied to any outdoor activity, walking along the beach, the garden or maybe rock climbing. Swiss Barefoot is advertising the product for outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy energetic activities like running, rock climbing and water sports.
A sort of shoe wear that gives the athlete a little more freedom to work his feet muscles while engaging in activities that demand the maximum exertion will probably be very welcomed. When people participate in these activities they wear comfortable clothing and that makes all the difference in their workout. I predict Swiss protection socks will one day be part of the Athlete’s daily workout as it is looks promising. The short version of the socks are priced at 55 euro (US$73) and for the longs, it is 59 euro ($78).
Via: Gizmag