Burosit Wrist Stand supports your hand during extended work sessions

The world of computers has not only made our lives easier, but has also given birth to a number of new problems in terms of health issues. The most troubled part is the wrist, which has to move along with the movement of fingers when the keys are pressed. Keeping the injuries and risks in mind, Ibrahim Guvendikler has designed an office accessory named Burosit Wrist Stand.

Burosit wrist stand

The small stand has been specially designed for people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer and need to use the mouse to move the cursor. This may cause problems of the wrist and hands like callus, calcification and carpal tunnel syndrome. The wrist stand for mouse has been given a very special form and is flexible in nature. It will give the much required support to the wrist than one usually gets.

The design has elliptical sections and structured channels that make sure the wrist doesn’t touch the flat surface of the desk. The material used to fashion Burosit Wrist Stand can even soak some sweat and dirt as well. If you are really conscious about hygiene and can’t touch things thinking they are dirty, then the simple looking stand is just for you. Simply wash it whenever you feel that too without the fear of damaging it.

Burosit Wrist Stand is a great product that won’t consume a lot of space. It will give proper support to your wrist and keep wrist and hand complications at bay.

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