For most of you reading this article, their Smartphone is not just a phone, but one of the most precious assets that belong to you and without which you do not find your life complete. I dedicate this article to all those intense gadget lovers who treasure their iPhone. Given below are 6 most eccentric and off-the-wall accessories that would make your iPhone even more smart and stylish.
- iPhone Cassette Tape Case
Remember those cassette tape boxes of the 1980s? Weren’t they simply amazing. With the advent of technology those tapes are a thing of past now. However, you can still have them with you in one of the most unique ways. The iPhone caste tape case is an innovative faux cassette tape box that can be used to conceal your iPhone and can also be used as an iPhone stand. Thus you can feel the retro magic and also protect your device from thieves.
- iPhone 5 Hoodie
For the fashion conscious and fashion freaks the all new hand-made iPhone Hoodies are a real fun. These iPhone sweatshirts are simply incredible in that they have been designed out of an extremely light weight, super soft material that protects your device from scratches and bumps and are available in various eye catching colors such as grey. These cases are available in a large number of sizes ranging from the smallest iPhone 3 to the iPhone 5, 5s and 5c.
- Umbilical Cord iPhone Charger
This extremely weird and highly innovative umbilical cord charger can be better called off as a charging womb for your iPhone. It has been designed by a Japanese artist Mio I-zawa and looks like an umbilical cord which is able to move and vibrate.
- Horn Amplifier Hands-Free iPhone Stand
The Horn Amplifier stand is a real cute looking iPhone accessory that beautifully amplifies your iPhone sound. The looks are killing so much so that you won’t resist buying one.
- Anti-Loneliness Ramen Bowl
This fantastic ramen bowl won’t let you feel lost and alone anywhere. The bowl is created such that it contains an integrated iPhone dock for you to easily hover through your favorite social networking websites, enjoy listening music tracks or watch your favorite videos while having food. It has been designed by Miso Soup Design.
- Yubz Handset
This is one of the most stylish and chic mobile accessory that helps you keep your mobile phone at a bay while having long conversation. This is really helpful in keeping you safe from the harmful microwave radiations. The yubz handsets are available in various stylish colors.
So, if you are the proud owner of a gorgeous iPhone and are in search of some real fun and exciting gadgets, these mentioned above are surely one of them. So, what are you waiting for? Go grab them today to let your device flaunt in style.